AteÅŸ Uslu graduated from the International Relations Department of Galatasaray University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. He earned his master’s degree in History from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University. He completed his doctoral studies through a joint program between the same university and Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest.
He began his teaching career as a guest lecturer at Galatasaray University Department of Political Science and later became an assistant professor at Istanbul Aydın University Department of Political Science and International Relations. In 2014, he joined the Faculty of Political Science at Istanbul University, where he earned the title of Associate Professor in the field of political thought. He was promoted to full professor in 2023. During the 2024-2025 academic year, he is a visiting researcher at the Chair for Social Philosophy (Prof. Rahel Jaeggi) at Humboldt University in Berlin. He is working on a sabbatical research project titled Political Implications of György Lukács’s Ontology of Social Being.
In addition to his articles in various journals and books on the history of political thought, cultural history, and political history, he is the author of three books in Turkish: Lukács: The Road to Marx (2006), Introduction to the History of Political Thought: Historiography, Core Approaches, and Research Methods (2017), and The Social History of Political Thought (3 volumes, 2021).Â
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